What are the differences between ICT and CS?

OL Computer science (0984)
Computer science gives you
deeper understanding
of a computer system; by focusing on two parts:
1) Theoretical part In which you'll learn a lot about:
- How the computer processes data and produce s an output (for example: How an alphabet is displayed on the screen, when a key is pressed on a keyboard).
- The functions of operating systems
- How different input/output devices work (Like printers, bar code readers, scanners, projectors, screens..etc|)
- How to protect your computer from any security risk (like hacking, viruses, spyware..etc)
- How data is transmitted from one device to another.
- Different numbering system (Binary, Denary..etc)
- What happens when you access a certain website?
2) Problem solving part :
- In which you’ll learn to write algorithms (Pseudo codes and flowcharts) which are considered as program prototype, so that later on you can write an appropriate program using a suitable programming languages (such as Python, Java, C++), this really improves the logical sequential thinking skills.
- Also you'll learn a lot about databases ! and understand how websites can store millions of record on it.
In our final exam, we've two papers:
- theoretical paper (75 marks = 60%)
- Problem solving (50 marks = 40%)
So, This subject is very useful for those who’re interested in deeper computer understanding, who want to join engineering, computer science or business informatics, in addition to the students, who want to study a very short syllabus, interesting, brain-watering subject, with a guaranteed high grade that helps in improving their analytical, logical and thinking skills ..
And here comes the COMMON QUESTIONS..
- Does this subject require any prior computer knowledge?
- BIG FAT NO :D, as we're going to explain everything from scratch in a very simple way! in order to fully understand every single detail ;)
- Can I easily achieve a high grade (9/8-A*) in this subject?
- DEFINITELY YES! just follow our MAGICAL ORGANISED PLAN and Studying TIPS , and we promise you getting higher that expected BY FAR. About 70% of our students each year got stars (9/8) and more than 96% (got Stars and As!).

OL Information and communication technology (0983)
ICT knowledge helps you know - as a user - more about existing computer applications and how they are best used in real life by making practical use of the technology invented by CS engineers, so you’ll learn a lot of useful stuff by the end of this course, as we’re focusing on enhancing your knowledge in two parts:
1) Theoretical part In which you'll learn a lot about:
- Networks (for example: Intranet, Internet, LAN, WAN..etc)
- Online services (Online banking, online shopping, online booking..etc)
- ATMS, bank cards, EPOS (like shops),
- How to pick the best computer device based on your needs
- Computer applications (like robots, VR, computer models, 3D printing…etc).
- How to keep your personal/professional data and computer secure and safe by minimising the risk of hacking, viruses… etc.
- Different input/output/storage devices (for example: Which printer I need to get (laser printer/Inkjet) and why?
- How to create a new computerised system for a company
2) Practical part, you’ll learn the following:
- Create a professional word document
- Merge letters with a data source
- Create a powerpoint presentation
- Create different types of labeled charts
- Create a database (so that you can produce a report, labels, summary, data entry form..etc)
- Create a spreadsheet (so you can do complex and simple calculations in a blink of an eye)
- Create websites using HTML and CSS
So it gives you a general knowledge about how to become a better computer user.
In our final exam, we’ve Three papers:
- One theoretical paper (100 marks = 40%)
- Two Practical papers (each out of 80 marks = 30%)
So, This subject is EXTREMELY USEFUL and IMPORTANT for LITERALLY EVERYONE, It’s a life changing course, as the modern business world relies greatly on computerised technology to professionally complete vast amounts of tasks and we can’t afford to be technophobes/ or technology illiterate anymore. It is time to embrace the technological revolution and equip ourselves for a bigger and brighter future by learning everything about ICT… so get ready and excited and let’s start NOW..
And here comes the COMMON QUESTIONS..
- Can this subject be taught online?
- DEFINITELY YES! We’ve our own tools that will help you achieve the highest grade ever (You’ll reach higher that your current potential by far), as we don’t settle for less than the BEST for our beloved students. We’re here and having your back, so just focus on learning and leave the rest on us.
- Can I easily achieve a high grade (9/8-A*) in this subject?
- YES YES YES YES! just follow our MAGICAL ORGANISED PLAN and Studying TIPS as hundreds of students did before and we promise you getting higher grade that expected BY FAR . About 70% of our students each year got stars (9/8) and more than 96% (got Stars and As!).